Ellie 4th Litter. Sire Lambeau. Born on 3/26/2023.
Male F3 Double Doodle
Male F3 Double Doodle
Female F3 Double Doodle
Female F3 Double Doodle
Female F3 Double Doodle
Male F3 Double Doodle
Female F3 Double Doodle
Male F3 Double Doodle
Female F3 Double Doodle
Female F3 Double Doodle
Week 1 update: Puppies are all gaining weight and doing great. Eyes are still closed and they are starting to try and and stand on their legs. ENS training has begun.
Week 2 update: Puppies eyes are open and they are all standing on their legs walking. Today they received their first dewormer of Pyrantel.
Week 3 update: Puppies are starting walk over to the artificial turf to go potty. They are so smart.
Week 4 update: Puppies are walking around and starting to play. They are starting to eat puppy kibble but are still nursing. All the puppies and adults were dewormed this week with Pyrantel. Puppy Lola started to develop new coloring this week! Her undercoat by her ears and part of her back have changed to a brownish gray. I have to confirm what her color is but it is no longer considered black...I think.
Week 5 update: Puppies transitioned to the large kennel and love the extra room. They have learned to use the doggy door to go outside to go potty. They are so playful and their personalities are starting to develop. Made it a little more difficult getting pictures this week.
Week 6 update: Puppies are doing great in the large kennel. They are consistently going outside to go potty and occasionally going on the artificial turf inside. They all had baths today before their photos. They did so well with their bath and the dryer. They are all so cuddly and love to give puppy kisses when they are picked up. They absolutely love the one on one attention with anyone that will give it to them. They are growing up and really developing their personalities. It is so fun to watch and play with them each day. Today they were all dewormed with the first of the the 3 consecutive days of Fenbendazole.
Week 7 update: One week until pick-up date! Make sure your have your pick up date and time scheduled. Just a reminder to set up your puppy appointment with your local vet within the first week you have your puppy home. Puppies will come home with a blanket and stuffed animal with the scent of their littermates to help with the transition to their new home. Enjoy the last set of photos before the puppies are picked up.
Schmidt Doodles