This is a preview of the Puppy Contract. For full details, click on the file below.
The Seller guarantees that the puppy is in good health and has received appropriate medical inoculations (vaccines) and care including parvo inoculations and deworming. Seller will provide Buyer with a medical chart detailing treatment the puppy has received under the Seller’s care, and future care the Seller feels is essential to the puppy’s well-being. Seller also provides a 12-month health guarantee against any debilitating congenital defects. The health guarantee is as follows:
Buyer obligations:
The Buyer agrees to maintain preventative health care of the puppy including, but not limited to: inoculations, internal and external parasite prevention and monthly heartworm preventative medication as recommended by a veterinarian.
The Buyer agrees to have the puppy spayed or neutered before 18 months of age. The Buyer agrees to supply proof of the spaying or neutering of the puppy and the proof must be submitted on veterinarian letter head, be dated and signed and contain the phone number of the veterinarian that performed the procedure. If your puppy is not spayed or neutered by 18 months of age or he/she doubles in price and MJST be spayed /neutered within 30 days. Paperwork and proof of spay/neuter is required. If legal action is needed for compliance, the Buyer agrees to pay any and all attorney and court fees. If the procedure is completed before 9 months of age the health guarantee will no longer cover hip/elbow dysplasia or any other skeletal/joint issues.
This puppy is sold WITHOUT breeding rights and the Buyer agrees the puppy will never be bred. Careful consideration is taken before any pairing and the puppy may or may not be a suitable candidate for breeding. A breeding contract must be completed with criteria met before the puppy can be considered to have breeding rights. Should the puppy be bred, intentionally or unintentionally, without completing the necessary steps, the Buyer agrees to pay a fine of $5000 to the Seller. In addition, the buyer will not be allowed breeding rights and must provide proof of spay or neuter as soon as the procedure can safely be completed.
The Buyer agrees to maintain preventative care of the puppy regarding hip dysplasia (or any other skeletal/joint issues) by maintaining proper nutrition using Nutri Source Large Breed Puppy Food (or an approved by Seller HIGH QUALITY PREMIUM LARGE BREED DOG FOOD) (Do NOT use a Grain Free diet), proper exercise, preventing stress injuries (i.e., not allowing the puppy to jump from heights taller that itself at the shoulder, etc.) and maintaining proper body condition. Failure to comply with preventative care of the puppy will result in the health guarantee being null and void.
The Buyer agrees that that the puppy is NOT to be LEFT SOLELY IN A BACKYARD OR KENNEL and will be allowed to spend substantial quality time in the home with family members. The puppy is sold with the understanding that it was to go to carefully selected parties and the Buyer AVOWS that the puppy shall become a member of the family (this is to assure proper development and maintenance of the temperament, for which the animal was bred)
The Buyer agrees that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should they ever surrender the puppy to an animal shelter or rescue. If the Buyer should ever find themselves in a situation where the puppy cannot be kept, the Seller asks that the Buyer contact the seller for help in rehoming. If necessary, the Seller will gladly provide a loving home for the puppy until they can be placed elsewhere. We will help with transportation if necessary.
This agreement is made and signed by both parties to ensure the wellbeing and protection of this animal. If any part of this agreement is breached, the Seller is released from any further obligation hereunder.
Schmidt Doodles