Ruby and Gus

Ruby's last litter.  Sire Gus.  Born on August 23, 2023 by c-section after her labor failed to progress.

Expected weight is 20-40 pounds.

You will be contacted when it is your turn to choose.  Once puppies are 2 weeks old and it is your turn,  you have 24 hours to choose your puppy. Pick-up date will be on October, 18 2023.  Call or text if you would like to schedule a time to visit the puppies.  Don't forget to schedule your pick-up date and time.  Updates moved to bottom of page.

Eggnog- Adopted

Male F3 Doubledoodle

  • Collar and flower color: Navy
  • Color/Pattern:  Gold
  • Birth Date: 8/23/2023
  • Birth Weight:  10.25 ounces
  • 1 week Weight:  1 pound 4.9 ounces
  • 2 week Weight:  1 pound 15.4 ounces
  • 3 week Weight:  2 pounds 7.2 ounces
  • 4 week Weight:  3 pounds 8.75 ounces
  • 5 week Weight:  5 pounds 4.6 ounces
  • 6 week Weight:  6 pounds 7.6 ounces
  • 7 week Weight:  8 pounds 2.56 ounces
  • 8 week Weight:  9 pounds 8 ounces
  • 9 week Weight:  11 pounds 2 ounces

Bubblegum- Adopted

Female F3 Doubledoodle

  • Collar and flower color: Pink
  • Color/Pattern: Apricot
  • Birth Date & Time: 8/23/2023
  • Birth Weight:  10.10 ounces
  • 1 week Weight:  1 pound 0.9 ounces
  • 2 week Weight:  1 pound 9.7 ounces
  • 3 week Weight:  2 pounds 3.1 ounces
  • 4 week Weight:  3 pounds 1.4 ounces
  • 5 week Weight:  4 pounds 4.3 ounces
  • 6 week Weight:  5 pounds 6.9 ounces
  • 7 week Weight:  6 pounds 6.4 ounces

Vanilla- Adopted

Female F3 Doubledoodle

  • Collar and flower color:  Purple 
  • Color/Pattern: Cream
  • Birth Date & Time: 8/23/2023
  • Birth Weight:  11.0 ounces
  • 1 week Weight:  1 pound 5 ounces
  • 2 week Weight:  2 pounds 0.2 ounces
  • 3 week Weight:  2 pounds 9.5 ounces
  • 4 week Weight:  3 pounds 8.1 ounces
  • 5 week Weight:  4 pounds 5.2 ounces
  • 6 week Weight:  5 pounds 8.5 ounces
  • 7 week Weight:  6 pounds11.84 ounces

Cherry- Adopted

Female F3 Doubledoodle

  • Collar and flower color: Red
  • Color/Pattern: Chocolate
  • Birth Date: 8/23/2023
  • Birth Weight:  11.30 ounces
  • 1 week Weight:  1 pound 5.25 ounces 
  • 2 week Weight:  2 pounds 1.0 ounces
  • 3 week Weight:  2 pounds 13.2 ounces
  • 4 week Weight:  3 pounds 15.4 ounces
  • 5 week Weight:  5 pounds 5.6 ounces
  • 6 week Weight:  6 pounds 8.1 ounces
  • 7 week Weight:  7 pounds 3.2 ounces

Butterscotch- Adopted

Male F3 Doubledoodle

  • Collar and flower color: Yellow
  • Color/Pattern: Chocolate
  • Birth Date: 8/23/2023
  • Birth Weight:  12.85 ounces
  • 1 week Weight:  1 pound 7.1 ounces
  • 2 week Weight:  2 pounds 3.5 ounces
  • 3 week Weight:  2 pounds 10.7 ounces
  • 4 week Weight:  3 pounds 12.6 ounces
  • 5 week Weight:  5 pounds 4.9 ounces
  • 6 week Weight:  6 pounds 6.7 ounces
  • 7 week Weight:  8 pounds 3.2 ounces

Mocha Chip - Adopted

Female F3 Doubledoodle

  • Collar and flower color: Lilac
  • Color/Pattern: Chocolate Merle
  • Birth Date: 8/23/2023
  • Birth Weight:  11.35 ounces
  • 1 week Weight:  1 pound 5.9  ounces
  • 2 week Weight:  1 pound 14.2 ounces
  • 3 week Weight:  2 pounds 8.85 ounces
  • 4 week Weight:  3 pounds 6.5 ounces
  • 5 week Weight:  4 pounds 9.1 ounces
  • 6 week Weight:  5 pounds 13.5 ounces
  • 7 week Weight:  7 pounds 0.96 ounces

Brownie- Adopted

Female F3 Doubledoodle

  • Collar and flower color: Teal
  • Color/Pattern: Chocolate
  • Birth Date: 8/23/2023
  • Birth Weight:  9.3 ounces
  • 1 week Weight:  1 pound 2.55 ounces
  • 2 week Weight:  1 pound 14.8 ounces
  • 3 week Weight:  2 pounds 7.9 ounces
  • 4 week Weight:  3 pounds 8.6 ounces
  • 5 week Weight:  4 pounds 14.4 ounces
  • 6 week Weight:  5 pounds 13.8 ounces
  • 7 week Weight:  7 pounds 1.92 ounces

Sherbert - Adopted

Male F3 Doubledoodle

  • Collar and flower color: Orange
  • Color/Pattern: Gold
  • Birth Date: 8/23/2023
  • Birth Weight:  11.05 ounces
  • 1 week Weight:  1 pound 3.3 ounces
  • 2 week Weight:  1 pound 14.3 ounces
  • 3 week Weight:  2 pounds 11.8 ounces
  • 4 week Weight:  3 pounds 10.1 ounces
  • 5 week Weight:  5 pounds 8.5 ounces
  • 6 week Weight:  7 pounds 2.5 ounces
  • 7 week Weight:  9 pounds 0.32 ounces

Week 1 update:  Puppies are all gaining weight and doing great.  Eyes are still closed.  Puppies are still sliding around to get to mom but every now and then one will start to try and stand on their legs.  ENS training has begun.  Ruby is healing and recovering well from her c-section.

Week 2 update:  Puppies are starting to open their eyes.  Ms. Brownie was the first to get out of the whelping pool this evening.  Time to switch them to the whelping box and start the potty training.  Ruby is doing great and her stitches look good.  She has been a great mother despite having a c-section.  Puppies and adults were dewormed with Pyrantel.

Week 3 update:  Puppies have been moved to the whelping box and started potty training on the artificial turf indoors.  It is so amazing to see them walk over to the artificial turf to go potty!  They are so smart!  They have been a lot more active this week.  They have been playing and biting each other.  This is part of the way the learn bite inhibition.  Mom teaches the rest.  Ruby is doing great and her stitches have almost completely healed up.  Only 3 puppies still available from Ruby's last litter.

Week 4 update:  Puppies have moved to the garage kennel.  They have access to the doggie door to go outside but they are just learning to use it.  They are learning to  go to the artificial turf to go to the bathroom especially when they wake up from a nap.  They really are learning fast.  This week they had their 4 week dewormer of Pyrantel.  All of them are growing well and are really starting interact with each other.  They are fun to watch and play with.  A lot of tail wagging going on.  Puppies started eating solid dog food.  They are messy but Ruby goes in to clean up their mess when they are done.  She cleans it and they all nurse while she picks up after them.  Don't forget to order your NuVet Supplements if you haven't already done so. 

Week 5 update:  Puppies are doing well and have mastered the doggie door.  They are doing a great job going outside when they have to go potty. They poop outside most of the time.  They pee on the artificial turf inside or go outside to the grass.  Hopefully by next week they will be doing most their business outside.  They have had many visitors that come over to hold and play with them so they are very socialized.  The puppies have transitioned over to solids and usually only get the chance to nurse when Ruby goes in to clean up all the kibble they dropped.  Still 3 puppies available.

Week 6 update:  Puppies had a great week.  the only pooped one time on the artificial turf on the inside kennel.  The rest was done outside in the grass!  They all had a spa day today.  Each one got a bath, nails trimmed and hair around their feet and buttocks trimmed.  All cleaned up for their weekly photos.  Today they started day 1 of the 3 day course of Fenbendazole (dewormer).  They are all doing well and have almost fully transitioned to straight solid food.  Every now and then Ruby will go in to steal their dog toy or the food they dropped and she will let them nurse for a short time.  The puppies love to go outside in the back yard to play and roll around.  They are very entertaining and fun to play or cuddle with.  Pick up day is in 2 weeks.  Don't forget to schedule your pick up date and time and make sure you have your supplements ordered if not already done.  Contact me if you have any questions.  Down to 2 puppies to find a home.  Don't forget there is a large discount if you but a second puppy or a referral reward if you refer a friend.

Week 7 update:  Puppies had a big day today.  They all saw the vet for their 7 week wellness appointment, was given their first set of vaccines and temperament testing was done.  All least week the puppies did all their voiding outside on the grass or on the artificial turf on the inside kennel and all solids were done outside in the grass.  Today the turf on the inside kennel will be removed for the final step in potty training to start.  Also, they all ran round for about an hour in the front yard.  It was puppy chaos.  They all loved to follow me everywhere I went.  It was like 8 little shadows following me!  Puppy pick up is next week on the 10/18/23.  Call or text if you have not set up your pickup date and time.  Collar size needed for pickup will be a small or x-small since the neck size is around 9-10 inches (Keep in mind your puppy will mostly outgrow their first collar quickly). I recommend a 4 foot long leash with your collar.  (A training leash is recommended for your training sessions.)  Some puppy food, toys and other items will be sent home with your puppy to get you started the first week.  Crate size of  19W x 21H x 30D or the next size up would be a good size kennel to have.  Make sure you buy a crate with a divider.   It won't be long now!

Week 8 update:  Time for puppies to go home.  They all are doing well with potty training.  No accidents inside this week.  They are so active and playful.  It is such a joy just watching them interact.  All have found their new forever home except one, Eggnog.  Until then this little guy will get a lot of one on one time.  It is a tough job but I am up for the challenge.  LOL!  The longer he stays the harder it will be to see him go.  Hopefully this little angel will find his home soon. 

Week 9 update:  Eggnog is the last puppy to find his forever home.  He is a very friendly and playful puppy and he loves attention.  He  play in the leaves and investigate in the front yard.  He has been doing some training and working on the sit command.  Once he learns the sit command we will start working on getting him to lay down. 

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