Greta 1st litter. Sire Gus.
Born on 6/1/2024.
Expected weight is 30-40 pounds. Pick-up date will be on July 27, 2024.
Once puppies are 2 weeks old and it is your turn to choose, you have 24 hours to choose your puppy. Call or text if you would like to schedule a time to visit the puppies.
Female F3 Moyen Doubledoodle
Male F3 Moyen Doubledoodle
Male F3 Moyen Doubledoodle
Female F3 Moyen Doubledoodle
Female F3 Moyen Doubledoodle
Week 1 Update: Greta is a great mother and is taking care of her puppies. They are all nursing great and gaining weight. Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) started at 4 days old. They all seem to be doing well with ENS and have been very calm. Eyes are still closed. Hopefully they will be open for next week pictures. Puppies are still scooting around and have not tried standing. Next week I will contact each person on the list to find out which puppy you choose.
Week 2 Update: Puppies had a spa day. They all got their nails trimmed and a bath before their pictures. Eyes are open this week. I tried to get a picture of each one with their eyes open. I believe Leonard was the only one I could not get to open his eyes. Also each puppy received their 2 week dose of Pyrantel dewormer. The puppies are starting to use their legs. They are very wobbly and just starting to sit up, stand and even take a few steps. Today they transitioned to the large whelping box to start potty training. The large whelping box has artificial turf so the puppies start getting used to the difference between where they sleep and where they go to the bathroom. All are nursing well and gaining weight each day. Greta has been an excellent mother.
Week 3 Update: The puppies are getting better standing and walking. They are starting to develop a little personality too and are wagging their tails when we play with them. Nursing is going well and they are all growing and gaining weight appropriately.. Hopefully the rain will hold off so they can play outside some more. They are so fun to watch as the try to run in the grass. They are getting used to going potty on the artificial turf. We will see how well they do when the area gets a little smaller over the next few weeks.
Week 4 Update: This week the puppies have transitioned to the kennel in the garage and have started to learn how to use the potty door to go outside to go to the bathroom. So far they are mostly going on the artificial turf but they will start to learn over the next few weeks. They received their second dose of Pyrantel dewormer. Puppies had a blast running around outside while they were waiting to have their picture taken. Teeth are definitely starting to come in. I found that out when they were playing with my ankles when I was trying to do pictures. Leonard is still looking for his forever home. He is very playful and his tail just wags like crazy. Also, don't forget to order your Nu Vet supplements for your puppy. Website address is: and the code is 118818.
Week 5 Update: The puppies are really starting to be more playful. They are so fun to watch as the run and play with each other. This week the potty training is definitely getting better. The last few days they have been using the doggy door and going outside to poop. They are still peeing on the artificial turf at times but I expect that to start improving over the week. They are still nursing but solid puppy food has been introduced.
Week 6 Update: Potty training is going pretty good. There is no artificial turf used anymore. The puppies have been going outside for bathroom duties. There were a couple accidents noticed the second day but none since then. Fingers crossed! Each morning when we see the puppies, they all run to the kennel gate and jump to the peek out. Tails are just wagging like crazy. So precious and fun!
Week 7 Update: Last set of photos before pick-up. Make sure you have scheduled your pick-up date and time if you have not done so yet. This is the time the when the puppies are so entertaining to watch! They are constantly using the doggie door to go outside to go to the bathroom. Also they are going outside to play more often with each other. Please contact me if you have any questions before your pick-up date.
Week 8 Update: Leonard is the last puppy available from Gret's 1st Litter. He is still able to play with his sister, Bernadette since she does not get picked up until Friday. Leonard has been doing great with his potty training. He started his second 3 day dose of Fenbendazole dewormer. His brown coloring is really becoming more noticeable each week.
Week 9 Update: Leonard is still available. His brown color is really starting to show more and more each day. He was transitioned into the same kennel with his cousins from Hazel's litter so he wouldn't be alone. He has been doing well and all the puppies are getting along great.
Schmidt Doodles